Sunday, August 29, 2010

"In my room , making no noise and pretending I don't exist"

It has been a very long week, at one point I was so tired that I thought I'd never make it to the end. Anyway I have made it, but I am still tired and not really feeling up to much of anything.

The title of this piece might be familiar to ayone who has read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (a book I highly reccommend, in fact the whole series is fantastic). Anyway the reason for the title is because that is exactly what I intend doing tommorow. I shall spend the day in my room, making no noise and pretending that I don't exist. I have a hectic week ahead, so I need the recharge.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The old and the new

So here I sit in my bedroom ,typing this blog on my beloved laptop computer (a very generous 30th birthday present from my parents), instead of electric lights my room is lit with several candles. Of course I do have electris lights and I use them most of the time, especially when I cross-stitch, but there is something about the soft muted tones of candlelight that I love. I no longer have a bedside lamp, instead I use candles, they give my room a wonderful, warm rich feeling.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I had a coversation with someone earlier and it got me thinking about friends.

I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but through my life I have have many different kinds of friends. The kind of friends that come into my life, hang around for a while and leave, leaving me all the richer for having known them. The kind of friends who never leave, (more power to them) and the kind of friends who turn out not to be friends at all.

Over time I have come to know all these sorts, and I have identifed different types:

The Flower Friend: This friendship blossoms quickly and fades away just as quickly leaving behind beautiful memories and a sweet lingering scent.

The Tree Friend: This kind of friendship takes time to grow, but once it has it is lasting and enduring.

The Butterfly Friend: This is the kind of friend that flits in and out of your life, time between contact makes no difference, this kind of friend is always accepting of the changes that come with living.

The Venus Flytrap: This kind of friend, sucks you in, absorbs your whole life and should you decide you need a little space, they spit you out chewed up and drained. (stay away from people like this, their chronic insecurity leads them to drag others down so they can feel good about themselves, they will bring out and encourage the worst in you)

The Blackjack: This is the very best kind of friend, they stick to you no matter what, but they are a bit prickly so they won't let you get away with being less than you really are. (keep this one close)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hello all

Well it seems the thing to do, of course it was the thing to do about 5 years ago, like always, I'm a little behind on technology.

I have always like writing and have kept a journal for many years, so I guess this is a good place as any to keep writing.