Books 'n Stuff

A Town Called Eureka

This is a great show, if you haven't had a chance to watch it yet do yourself  a favour. It is all about a crazy town in America where scientists pretty much get to do all sorts of crazy experiments. The scientists regularly almost destroy all of the known universe and they have to be stopped by a funny but not very clever sherriff. it is fantastic! this one is on my to buy list!

Boston Legal

What fun! that was a great series, I have finally finished watching all 5 seasons and I must say I am sorry that it is over. Of course the reality is that a tv show cannot carry on forever, but sometimes you don't want to say goodbye to the people that have become like friends, especially Jerry Espinsin, if ever there was a memorable character that is one.

Stargate SG-1

I am so excited. On Friday I went shopping with my sister and my niece, at Pick 'n Pay, near the tills I saw the second disc in the Stargate SG-1 Series. So thinking properly I went to CNA on Saturday to see if I could get the first one on back order. Lucky me, they had both 1 and 2 there already, so of course I am now the proud possessor of the first 6 episodes of the series. I really love science fiction! I know a lot of people find it unrealistic and therefore boring, but I have an extremely vivid imagination and I am quite happy to suspend my sense of reality long enough to enjoy the fantastic worlds created by imaginative people.

I have subscribed to the series and so I should be getting discs 3 and 4 in 28 days as well as the feature length pilot episode. I cannot wait, with my next set of DVDs I'll get the original Stargate movie. I think that is totally cool.

Anyone who also loves Stargate SG-1 can go to to subscribe and get their very own set. Plus a cool magazine with lots of info, that comes with every disc. Yep I admit it I am a big SciFi nerd and I love it!

Good old David and Leigh Eddings

Once again I am reading the Mallorean, I recently reread the Belgariad. Each time I read these two series I am greatful for the talents some people have. These are such great books, reading them again is like catching up with old friends. Love the whole lot of them.
I was really sad to find out that David Eddings died last year. It isn't too sad because he was 77 and obviuosly had a full life, but it is sad for his fans who can no longer expect any new books!

Book 2:
Here is a little passage from The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis:
"The creatures are always accusing one another of wanting 'to eat the cake and have it'; but thanks to our labours they are more often in the predicatment of paying for the cake and not eating it"
It might help to clarify the quote if I explain that 'the creatures' are us humans and the speaker of the piece is a demon.
The book is great way to check to see if a person is on the right track as a Christain, I certainly have learnt so much from it.

C.S. Lewis is definitely one of my favourite authors. I am very glad that his books are finally being made into movies. I definitely reccommend anything written by him.

Book 1
I recently had the very great experience of reading the first ever South African  Fantasy Novel. By that I mena the first ever fantasy novel written by a South African author.

Now since I have been reading everything that has come my way since I was 2, I consider myself somewaht of an expert on books. Fantasy has always been a favourite of mine and constitutes the backbone of my 700 book collection.

This book, Isobel Stellar and the Ubuntu Song was great. The characters were rich and believeable, the world created was interesting and fully rounded. The story was exciting and had great pace.The only thing it lacked was a well-qualified editor, in places the dialogue was a little stilted and there was an occasional malaproposim. I find it sad that this book had to be self-published by the author, what is wrong with South African Publishing houses. I think one should look up the author and sign him up. We could have a new great fanstasist right here in SA. wouldn't that be great!